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Now that you’re a Hartland homeowner, you might have a few questions like “how do I make a payment?” or, “do I need approval to install a fence?” We’ve got you covered. This page is your resident resource for all things HOA. Make payments, download documents and find answers to your questions in our FAQ.

Here’s a little bit about us!

The Hartland Community Association, HOA is responsible for the start-up and ongoing maintenance of amenities and common areas. We enforce architectural standards which help to preserve the character of the community and we will be planning lifestyle events in the future for the entire neighborhood to enjoy. Your HOA fee supports these special benefits. The Association is guided by a Board of Directors that is comprised of members of the Development team but will eventually be resident controlled.



Resident logins to password protected links will be provided by SFMC following your individual settlements.



Whether you’re looking to contact the gas company or pay your monthly dues online, you’ll find links below to essential resources for your new home at Hartland.

Resident logins to password protected links will be provided by SFMC following your individual settlements.




Utilities & Local


Make an HOA Payment


Trash & Recycling





How do I submit items for architectural review?

Architectural Applications will not be accepted for review until the homeowner has settled / closed on their home and SFMC has received the required settlement documentation. Architectural Applications will be submitted to ARCapplications@SFMCinc.com or mailed to SFMC’s office. HOA Management will compile the Architectural Applications throughout the month and advertise the Architectural Application dates to the community.

Can I review the Design Guidelines prior to settlement?

No, only Hartland residents have access to the Design Guidelines.

How can I be sure to receive HOA Information?

Please be sure to submit your contact information and Hartland address upon closing of your home to the HOA to be included in all future communications.

How big is Hartland?

Hartland is comprised of 800 acres with 775 homes planned.

How is all of this operated and who’s in charge?

The HOA, managed by SFMC, will play a key role in all aspects of community life. The Association will be responsible for the day-to-day operation of the common areas, recreation centers, amenities, and eventually, programs and events. The Association is represented by the Board of Directors who work closely with the Association staff on financial and governance matters. SFMC will provide homeowners with login information for their Caliber portal system within 2-3 weeks of home settlement.

Will the Homeowners have a voice in running the Association?

Yes, once the community has reached 100% occupancy an all-resident Board will be elected. 

What is the current assessment at Hartland?

The base assessment is $231 per month. Lots that are located on private roads are subject to a $35 Monthly Service Area Assessment in addition to the base assessment.

Are there other Association fees involved when I purchase a home?

Yes. Each new home purchaser will make a one-time contribution to the Association’s working capital fund of $1,500.

What Community features are included with my assessments?

The HOA monthly fee of $231 covers the use and maintenance of all Hartland amenities, Verizon gig-speed internet, lifestyle programming and events, community reserves and other HOA-related expenses, the maintenance and landscaping of common areas, and trash and recycling pickup.

Can the amount of the assessment be increased?

Yes. Like similar organizations, the Association faces periodic increases in operating costs for things like insurance, utilities, maintenance and trash removal. To ensure long term financial health, the Association must also maintain adequate replacement reserve funds. Each year, when the Board adopts the annual budget, they will take all these factors into consideration when setting the annual assessment. 

Are there restrictions on my property?

Yes. There are restrictions on things like leasing, parking, home based businesses and keeping livestock.

May I make changes to my property?

Yes. However, all permanent exterior changes including most landscaping, tree removal, play structures, basketball hoops, patios and in-ground pools must receive prior approval from the Association.



Email the Homeowner’s Association at Hartland@SFMCinc.com